"Children, quiet down, your grandfather is sleeping!"
"Papa, Hanzie says Grandfather grew up in the desert, how could he do that, it's too hot?"
" Ah, I think it is time to tell you a great story, one you must never forget, my little Nemmie, I will tell you after we have eaten Mama's delicious lamb stew."
"Come children, sit by me. Shh, very quietly, sit. Close your eyes; in your mind see the desert, it's so hot in the day, and so cold at night! Would you like to be there? No, no, I think not! Now, hear a wolf calling to his friend in the night, see the eagle looking for dinner in the fresh morning light, now it is quiet, still, becoming so hot! Now look and see hundreds of people, many in their tents in the heat of the day, children, like you, are playing near the tents, one of those children is named Enos, your grandfather."
"But Papa, Grandfather is old, he can't be a boy!"
"Oh, but he was a child long before he was a grandfather! Do you remember the stories of how God did great miracles in Egypt and set our people free from slavery?"
"Yes Papa. But what is slavery?
"Slavery is telling one man that he must work for another man for nothing and never go away"
"Is it hard work?"
"Yes Nemmie, it is very hard work, so hard that many people become very sick and die!"
And so, Amosi tells his little one the story of how his grandfather grew up in the desert and when he was a man, entered the Promised Land. Amosi went on to tell Nemmie of the wonderful land God had given them and God had said to never forget the wonders God had done and that Nemmie must tell his children the great wonders God did, not only in Egypt and the desert but in his own life.
Most important, God said to never forget Him when they prospered, but they did; and as every prosperous nation down through the centuries, so have we. This very day the banks of America are hoarding the $700,000,000,000 they were given to jump start a sagging economy, this incredible corporate greed that has been destroying the economy of the United States and the world has come about because men have forgotten God, and the Church has sat ho-humming in their pews all these years, neglecting their responsibility to call society to accountability. John Winthrop saw this need, but those after him lost this vision of the root depravity of man and listened to the those who said man is basically good at heart. The Church, too, has followed this lead.
This is why history is so vital.
Democracy requires the "honor system" of Christianity in order to survive. It also has checks and balances to protect it against the men who would rule over them for their own gain.
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