Friday, September 8, 2017

''If we don't turn around, we will soon be at Graves Ridge!''

Historically, an eclipse has come at a time of great repentance. As an example, Nineveh, modern day Mosul, experienced an eclipse in the days of Jonah, the man who was swallowed by a large fish. We would do well to heed this warning from Almighty God.
Do we have 'sins' that we, in America, need to repent of? Yes, we do. Almighty God does exist, but we have been living, in many ways, as if He didn't. He gave us America as a nation of freedom and to do what is right, but we have turned away from Him and embraced the abortions of His children without ending Roe v Wade, among many other offenses toward our Creator, Jesus Christ.
He has made a promise to us stated in II Chronicles 7:14:

''if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.''

He is asking so little of us; before we experience any more losses due to fires, historic hurricanes, and other catastrophes, let us turn toward Jesus Christ and confess that we have turned from Him, and done what is wrong in many ways, and ask Him to have mercy on America, and heal our land; and then, let us work to do away with what displeases Him.

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