Friday, June 2, 2017

The Mystery of Being the Only one; and Being One with All He has Chosen

~~~  Today I want to walk with Jesus.
~~~  Of course, don't we all, that is, all who have known Him as Savior and Lord?
~~~  Yes, but I want to really be with Him, as a child in delight and safety with an adoring parent.
~~~  But more.
~~~  To see in His eyes the love my heart has always dreamed of; to be swept away to a place only He and I inhabit; a place where my being can just be one with Him, where my heart is fulfilled with the most Beautiful of Loves! Where we dance in perfect step, in perfect harmony, each knowing the shared rhythm as we glide in the glory of His Creation, and joy in the rush of His river, in the story of His stars, in the beauty of His flowers, in the majesty of His mountains, and breathe in the fresh air of His heavens.
~~~  He is my Bridegroom, the Joy of my heart, my Sweetest Dreams come true. He is my Reality, the one who paid the Bridal price for me, who paid the price for my sin and gave me His Purity to cover my shame and make me His own!
~~~  I am the Bride, washed White in His Blood! He comes extending His Hand, and I weep with gratitude as I place my finger in the scar of the nail that should have been mine! And, again, I looked into those eyes full of the most Tender Love I have ever experienced, and I fall in worship...then He lifts me up to sit with Him in the Clarity and Richness of heavenly places!! Beauty beyond dreams.
~~~  This is My Beloved; I am His, and He is mine, alone! Then He takes my hand, lifts me to my feet, and we walk together, just Him and I, and we walk the earth the show others this Beauty and bring life to their own Dreams!
~~~  Just Him and me. The two of us, in Love, in Majesty.
~~~  This Love grows and can't be shut up to be consumed by us alone, it must be shared to remain Love. It will always be just Him and I. And it will always be you and them and Him and I.
~~~  The Mystery of being the only one, and being as one with all He has chosen!
~~~  Come, you have accepted His Salvation, now accept His Invitation to Dance, to be Loved as His Adored, to be His one and only! Come, awaken to His Beautiful Gaze. Come, walk with Him and share His Love. Come, let Love wash another in His Blood, and walk with the Newly Redeemed, and let all be Loved with this Most Sweet of all Dreams!
~~~  And I weep in gratitude and worship!

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